Cube Cities Blog

The Cube Cities Blog

5 September 2012

Markup Building Windows in Google Earth with Grids + See the View from Any Grid

Cube Cities provides a free service called Grids. Grids allows anyone to select a building and mark it up with a red pattern to identify areas of interest on a building. Simply click the city icon on the Grids page and then select a building to markup.

If you're signed in you can save the Grids you select, add a note and share this information with anyone via email or Twitter. The special link created by the Grids page also stores the same view of the building, so you can highlight building areas at street level or choose to showcase an area that might be hidden from the first view of the building.

Users can even see the window view from any selected Grid, just select the eyeball icon and the view will automatically move to the exact view from that building location. 

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