Cube Cities Blog

The Cube Cities Blog

13 June 2014

Visualizing Risk to Buildings

Cube Cities now provides 3D risk mapping services to organizations that maintain data on different types of threats that exist for large residential or commercial properties. With the Cube Cities platform its easy to drop an Excel file with coordinates or building addresses and instantly see risk proximity visualizations. Even very specific floor-level visualizations are possible to explain hazards or danger in a building. 3D risk mapping services are now available in all major North American cities.

Watch the video below to see how Cube Cities identifies buildings of highest risk of damage from the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, wandering towards Park Avenue from East 52nd Street in Midtown Manhattan.

Fullscreen, high resolution link:

Below is an animated GIF version of the video created by a posting on this product from

6 June 2014

Styling 3D Building Data

The Cube Cities platform allows customers to create and style 3D maps of dense urban areas using their own building data to produce effective communication tools for real estate. Our large dataset of building coordinates for over 25 cities in North America and Europe can be styled to help customers find specific data in dense urban areas like San Francisco, Chicago and New York. It's easy to load and explore real estate data in these Cube Cities applications by simply dragging a Excel file into Google Earth.

The examples below illustrate some different styling options for visualizing building and floor data in San Francisco's Market Street corridor and surrounding financial district.