Drop data from Excel directly into Google Earth |
With the Cube Cites CSV Loader users can drop a spreadsheet of real estate information directly into Google Earth and see the data visually in 3D. Try the Cube Cities CSV Loader here:
CSV Template Fields:
A: Cube Building ID
B: Building Name (can be excluded)
C: Floor Number
D: Available Space in square feet (don't use commas!)
E: Annual Operating Costs per square foot
F: Space Type (HL= Head Lead, SL=Sub Lease)
G: Date Available
H: Suite Name
I: Description Field
J: URL Path to Floorplan image file
1. Download the CSV template from the link above.
2. Find the Cube Cites building ID from the search box in the CSV Loader
web page for all records in column A.
3. Populate the remaining fields with real estate listing details.
4. Save as CSV format from Excel
5. Drop file onto the Earth Map
The Cube Cities CSV Loader currently works only with the Chrome and Firefox web browsers.
Here's a video of the CSV Loader in action: